Ocean11: Final Exam 1/00
Ocean 11 Final Exam Name: ___________________
Part 1: Completion. Fill in each of the following blanks with the correct word or words.
1. Ocean currents result from _____________ and rotation of the earth.
2. The current bringing warm temperatures to Nova Scotia is called _________________.
3. A wetsuit helps to keep a diver warm because ___________________________________________.
4. An ocean profile refers to ______________________.
5. The littoral zone is the one closest to shore and is most variable because ____________________.
6. The continental shelf is important because __________________________________.
7. An example of an animal living in the benthos is _____________.
8. A kite-shaped ray is classified as a ____________________.
9. The Titanic was discovered by using __________________________________________
10. Tides have been harnessed to produce ____________________.
11. A lunar day is the term given for the time it takes for ___________
12. It is important to know the salinity of a region because _____________________.
13. The continental shelf is important because __________________________________.
14. Irish moss used in the preparation of _____________ and _____________.
15. The quality and safety of shellfish depend on ________________________.
16. Upwelling produced by bottom currents brings _____________ to the surface.
17. Sailors realized long ago there are "rivers" in the oceans. We call them _________________.
18. The major cause of ocean oil pollution is _____________________________.
19. Seawater at the equator has greater salinity because _____________________.
20. More people in the last year have been killed by ________ than by sharks in the last 100 years.
21. The green sea urchin feeds mainly on _________________________.
22. The Japanese find the ___________ of the sea urchin very tasty.
23. The chelipeds of the rock crab are used to ___________________.
24. Before becoming adults, rock crabs exist as ______________, a form of plankton.
25. The major advantage of aquaculture is _____________________.
Value 25 points
Part 1: Multiple Choice. Write the letter for each correct answer in the blank to the left.
____ 1. The deepest part of the ocean is the Marianas Trench found in the _________ Ocean.
a) Atlantic b) Indian
c) Pacific d) Arctic
____ 2. The largest ocean is the ___________ Ocean.
a) Atlantic b) Indian
c) Pacific d) Arctic
____ 3. Headquarters for bathymetric mapping are found in __________.
a) Oslo b) Ottawa
c) Dartmouth d) Charlottetown
____ 4. The current tracking triad is made up of the following:
a) satellite, buoy, ship b) Nansen bottle, buoy, satellite
c) sensor, buoy, ship d) bathysphere, sonar, ship
____ 5. Those tiny creatures that manufacture their own food are called _________.
a) zooplankton b) phytoplankton
b) hervivores d) consumers
____ 6. A rhythmic pattern caused by the action of wind and water is called ________.
a) tsunami b) wave
c) current d) turbidity
____ 7. It is important to walk on walkways when visiting a beach because _____________.
a) sand is hot b) sharp objects might be under the sand
c) sandfleas bite d) beach grass can be killed
____ 8. The greatest critics of aquaculture are:
a) fish b) fishermen
c) food service workers d) farmers
Value 8 points
Part II: Definitions. Give the meaning for each of the following words:
tidal bulge
Value 7 points
Part III: Graphing. Use the following information to plot the graph.
Answer the following questions:
1. What does this graph tell you about the relationship between the temperature (degrees)
of the water to the oxygen demand (mg/hr) by trout?
2. What happens to trout, do you suppose, when the surrounding dissolved oxygen saturation drops
to low levels.
3. How do you recognize this?
4. How do fish breathe?
5. What determines the direction of oxygen molecules into and out of the cells?
6. What does the term "cold-blooded" mean?
7. What is the effect a change in pH on fish?
Value 8 points
Part IV: Short Answer. Answer each of the following with as much detail as possible.
1. a) What is phytoplankton?
b) Why is it so important?
c) Why does it need to control its position in the water?
d) Describe TWO methods used to control this position?
2. a) What is meant by the term intertidal zone?
b) With the aid of a properly labelled diagram, describe FOUR of its regions.
c) The greatest differences take place in which region of the intertidal zone?
d) With the aid of diagrams, describe FIVE different organisms that are found in the
intertidal zone.
3. a) What are tide pools?
b) Why must organisms living in tide pools have special adaptations?
c) What are some abiotic factors that would affect animals living in tide pools?
4. a) Describe how the characteristics of Moby Dick are similar to those of real whales and how
they differ.
b) Describe how the characteristics of Jaws are similar to true sharks and how they differ.
c) Draw and label the parts of a shark.
d) What is special about the skeleton of a shark?
5. a) What seaweed is harvested in Nova Scotia?
b) What is the importance of this industry to Nova Scotia?
c) How is this seaweed used?
6. Describe FIVE methods used in order to maintain healthy fish stocks.
7. a) Compare farming, fishing, and aquaculture using FIVE characteristics for each.
b) Using properly labelled diagram(s), compare FOUR methods of fishing.
8. a) Discuss some patterns of whale migration. For example, why do some whales spend
the summer in the Bay of Fundy, yet travel to Florida in the winter?
b) Discuss THREE causes for the decrease in whale populations.
c) What can be done to preserve these mammals?
d) Why is it important to prevent the extinction of whales?
9. a) Explain what is meant by the term "sustainable economic activity" as it relates to fishing.
b) Describe the term "madhouse economics" as it relates to the fishing industry.
c) Describe the impact of drift nets.
d) Describe the current issue concerning boaters in St. Ann's Bay.
Value 45 points
Part V: Essay
1. Pretend you are an entrepreneur, wishing to make money in the aquaculture industry.
Write an essay, using the following topics.
a) What would you do?
b) How would you start up?
c) What would you need to know?
d) What dangers might affect your business?
e) How could you prevent them?
Value 7 points