High School Biology: Karl Friedrich Burdach
Karl Friedrich Burdach
Born: 12.06.1776 in Leipzig
Died: 16.07.1847 in Königsberg
Doctorate: 1797 (?) in Leipzig
University lecturer: 1799 - 1811 Leipzig,
1818 - 1814 Dorpat, from 1814 Königsberg
Burdach was the only child of Daniel Christian Burdach, who practised and taught
medicine in Leipzig until his untimely death. The son studied the same subject in
his native town and qualified as a lecturer there as well. To further his education,
he then went to Vienna but returned to Leipzig at the age of 23 to teach and practice.
Burdach, who was fascinated by Schelling's natural philosophy, published widely during
this period to overcome his financial problems.
After several unsuccessful applications, he received a professorship for anatomy, physiology
and forensic medicine in Dorpat in 1811. Burdach, who was now finally financially independent,
started to become especially interested in embryology. In 1814 he accepted a call to Königsberg,
where he taught as Professor of Anatomy. He also founded an anatomical institute there, and was
director of this organisation until 1826. His pro-rectors were the embryologists von
Baer and Rathke, who later became very famous in this field.
Burdach's greatest contribution to science was his handbook Die Physiologie als
Erfahrungswisssenschaft (Physiology as a Science of Experience). While preparing
this work, he fostered contacts with numerous researchers in every branch of the natural
sciences. The completed publication was supposed to deal with every factor influencing life,
but it remained unfinished as the volumes on movement, sensation and the activity of the soul
were never published.