Biology 12 Review Test Name: _____________________ Part I: Complete each of the following with the proper word or words. 1. An endocrine gland requires/does not require _______________ ducts. 2. Hormones regulate basic drives and _______________. 3. Two endocrine glands are the _____________ and ___________. 4. Hormones act by ___________ ordinary cellular processes. 5. The Fallopian tube is another name for the ______________. 6. The primary source of estrogen is the _______________. 7. The purpose of FSH is to _______________________. 8. A decline in progesterone and estrogen results in less oxygen reaching the __________. 9. The primary source of estrogen is the ____________. 10. The central nervous system consists of ________________________. 11. The purpose of the autonomic nervous system is to ________________________. 12. Information about the environment is brought to the CNS by ________ neurons. 13. The pancreas is considered to be an endocrine gland because ______________________. 14. Type II (late onset Diabetes) is best treated with sulfonamides because _________________. 15. Hormones are organic substances: proteins, amines or ___________. Part II: Define each of the following: corpus luteum endometrium target organ amniocentesis homeostasis somatic nerve glycosuria Choose the proper answer: ________ In humans primary oocytes are located in the a) cervix b) uterus c) corpus luteum d) oviduct e) ovary Part III: Topics. Respond to each of the following in detail. 1. a) Using the disease Diabetes mellitus as an example, explain how negative feedback maintains a proper level of hormones. Refer to each of the hormones by name. Describe what each does and their source. b) Discuss how feedback mechanisms regulate the uterine cycle in a nonpregnant human female. Refer to specific hormones and their actions. c) The autonomic nervous system responds to stress. Describe what happens in five organs of the body.