Minutes of Nervous Wrecks Meeting
December 3, 2005
Meeting began with an hour and a half of skating at C200, enjoyed by nine Wrecks. Ken Jardine, whose ice skates were stolen by the Grinch, sat sullenly in the penalty box.
Returned to the Scuba Tech classroom by 15:25 and continued meeting over hot chocolate, donuts and oatcakes.
Last month's minutes were reviewed. Arising from that: It was mentioned that this new dive at the sink hole reported on by Ken J. and Glen D. last meeting is on private property. Ken assured us Glen has permission from the owner for access. However, anyone investigating this site should respect the property
New Business:
Two weeks ago, Ron N. had the opportunity to attend a lecture by Gordon Fader, formerly of BIO, arranged by the Nova Scotia Archeological Society, held in Halifax. It was an excellent presentation about work that has been done to map the bottom of Halifax Harbour, with many excellent visuals that Mr. Fader interpreted for the audience. As a reference, check out: https://gsca.nrcan.gc.ca/pubprod/of3154/index_e.php, and at https://gom.nrcan.gc.ca/pdf/PDF_Day3/Shaw_Bras-d'Or-Lakes.pdf. You can download a .pdf file of a presentation of a similar survey of the Bras d’Or Lakes. Ron has since been in contact with the NSAS about the possibility of having Mr. Fader deliver this presentation here in Sydney, possibly in the spring. The NSAS would cover some of the costs associated with bringing Mr. Fader here, if the Nervous Wrecks could commit to covering the remaining costs. Several ideas were tossed around about how this could be done, including, but not limited to, charging a small fee per person. More on this as it develops. In February there will be another lecture put on by the NSAS, Steamship China from Halifax Harbour with Greg Cochkanoff.
Club member, Lawrence Clark, will be producing the annual food bank telethon next Sunday, December 11th, from 1-6 pm, airing on Seaside Cable channel 10. There is also news from Lawrence that Eastlink has now agreed to air all past episodes of Cape Breton Diver, as well as new episodes.
Ken J. reported that after repeated attempts, he has finally had more communication with Paul Gentile regarding scallop closures next year. According to Ken, Paul is sympathetic to our position. He is meeting with his boss Maureen Butler next week, but it was made clear that no decision or public meetings on this issue would be held during an election. Ken recommended that as a next step, we should make another written request to Maureen Butler seeking documents re: catches, science for decisions, etc., and that such a request be sent registered mail and that a cc would be sent to the minister responsible. All in attendance agreed this was a reasonable step and voiced their support for this action.
The club x-mas party will be held at Scuba Tech on Friday, December 9th at 7pm. It is potluck, bring your own food/drink/decorations. The decorations will be used to brighten the shop. As for the potluck, Ken challenged all attending to impress their peers with their culinary prowess, i.e. a 20 pack of Timbits won’t cut it. If anyone has a webcam, perhaps something could be done to broadcast to those Wrecks from out of town? Can anyone help with this?
Saturday, December 24th there will be a x-mas eve dive on the reef balls. Meeting at the shop at 12:30 pm
January 1st, 1 pm. Annual Polar Bear swim at Rollie’s Wharf.
Thanks go out to Marylynn Hurley for suggesting and organizing the pre-meeting skating event. It was suggested that perhaps Ben Eoin ski hill could be the venue for the next one.
Meeting adjoured at 16:04

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